ATOS proportional valve, the valve to control the flow can be divided into two kinds. One is the switch control, one is the continuous control, servo valves and other valves is different, its larger energy loss, because it requires a certain flow to maintain the pre-stage control circuit work. One is the switch control: either fully open or fully closed, traffic is either the largest or the smallest, no intermediate states, such as normal straight-through electromagnetic valve, solenoid valve, electro-hydraulic valve. Another is the continuous control: valve port can be turned on any one opening, thereby controlling the size of the flow through such valves with manual control, such as a throttle valve, there are electronically controlled, such as ATOS proportional valve, servo valve.
Electro-hydraulic proportional servo valve (also called servo ATOS proportional valve, servo ATOS proportional valve called more) servo ATOS proportional valve technology and is proportional servo technology combined with the product. It is the ATOS proportional valves and servo proportional solenoid valve of the spool and sleeve processing technology combine to obtain. Compared with the ATOS proportional valve, it is the most important feature is that when the spool is in the neutral position, the valve port opening is zero (the amount of valve port cover almost zero), which means that the servo control characteristics ATOS proportional valve with dead zero area characteristics, especially suitable for use as a control element closed-loop system. It can be given input voltage or current signal control fluid is continuously proportionally remoy direction, pressure and flow.
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